Monday, February 23, 2009

Introductions are overrated.

And that, my dear children, is why you aren't getting one.
Mainly all you need to know is that this probably will be a waste of internet space that wont be looked at as often as I would like it to be. If that makes sense?

It probably doesn't.
Well, I seem to find funny pictures on the internet that leave me in stitches for hours, but leave other just staring at me. They just don't get it *shakes head*
A recent find is a picture of Ray, Gerard and Mikey from My Chemical Romance, amazing people they are, though they always have a knack for leave me laughing for hours on end.

Oh god, I love them :'D
Anyway, I seem to be 1 blog behind my dear friend Gemma, so I hope I can get her back soon *rubs hands together*
All for now, dearys. *pops back down rabbit hole*


1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwww... you're in love.
    Haha, yay. I'm mentioned. I feel so special.
    Comment my blog. Every single blog. Or else. Serious consequences will occur.

    Ray Toro looks S-C-A-R-Y.

    Love youuu. Byeee :D
